Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ian's "Surprise" Going Away Poker Party

So I started planning Ian's Going Away Poker Party sometime around end of December the beginning of January. With the help of his friend Barbie (who lives in Arizona) she helped me with pulling off this surprise.

Since Ian is moving to California at the beginning of May I wanted to do something really special for him and his friends. What better way to say goodbye then to have a Poker Party. Just to fill you in Ian loves Poker and could play all day if life provided him that luxury.

The plan was in motion I told him I was going with my sister Martina to the mountains with her family for the weekend. Barbie then did her part and invited him out to a goodbye dinner that night.

So invitations went out and calls came in to RSVP and we were all set. Ian caused a little problem the day of the party. He told Barbie that he didnt want to come over to her house and asked if she could meet him somewhere in the middle. So after some coaxing Barbie got him to come out to her house. Oh yeah the Poker Party was being held at Barbie's clubhouse in her complex.
People began to arrive and food was out and ready to eat and Poker was ready to be played. Ian "The Guest of Honor" showed up at the perfect time because everyone had arrived early and they all screamed "Surprise" when he came in the clubhouse. Someone was asking him "So where is your financee and he said "I dont know she is around here somewhere." At that precise moment he turned around and I was right there and he gave me a huge hug and kiss and said that he couldnt believe I pulled this off and he was so excited to see everyone and what a great way to say goodbye to all his friends.

The night was long but well worth it. Ian and his friends had a great time and all the time and energy that Barbie and I put in to getting this party of f the ground was well worth it.

Ian is moving to California

It has been a long. long, long road but we both see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I will be flying out to Arizona on Tuesday night and Ian and I will be driving back in the wee hours of the morning when most normal people will be sleeping and maneuvering our way through the desert of Arizona for the great destination of Orange County.